Tips for Parents

Backpack & Waterbottle
As part of the SoleKIDS program, runners receive a backpack and water bottle in the first two weeks. The bag is great for packing running clothes, and the water bottle is great for staying hydrated throughout the day. These are the ONLY ones they will receive, so please mark them with your runner’s name when they get home. Please encourage your runner to take care of them.
Running Clothes
PLEASE remind your runner to bring running clothes to practice! There is enough time from the end of school to the beginning of practice to change into something else. Running clothes include athletic shoes, t-shirt, and shorts or sweats. It is always a good idea to have sweats, just in case it is cold. It is much easier to take them off than to be cold without them.
Kids and coaches train for 90 minutes after school, twice a week. Practice involves warms ups/cool downs, adventure runs (leaving Central campus to run to a destination), games and fueling snacks. Practice schedule.
Our priorities are keeping kids safe and having fun. The adult-to-kid ratio is 1:5 once we’re running out on the roads. You are ALWAYS welcome to attend practice with your runner. If you can attend practice regularly, please let us know as we may be able to increase the number of students who can participate.
- Runners will get a snack each day after school. If your child has an allergy, we will have alternative snacks available for them. Just remember to include allergy information at the time of registration.
- Practice will end approximately 1 1/2 hours after school dismissal. Plan on picking your runner up at the front of the school. If they are a walker/bike rider/scooter professional, they can get home that way.
Dismissals are chaotic for coaches. While the runners usually know how they go home, we often do not. If you have any concerns about ensuring your runner dismisses the right way, please let us know!
- Sometimes, the coaches will cancel practice due to inclement weather or smoky conditions. Sometimes, the coaches will have them run in the rain. Regardless, please let us know what would be best for your individual runner.
Common Questions
Can I register my runner if they can only attend once a week?
Yes, but the registration cost is not reduced. We encourage every runner to attend practice as best as they can.
What if the cost is too high to participate or my child does not have appropriate shoes and clothing?
Due to the generosity of individuals and organizations in our community, we may be able to subsidize the cost of registration or help with a pair of shoes. Please contact if your child could benefit in this way.
Do I need to get ready to run the race as well?
YES, your SoleKIDs runner registration includes a “Sponsor” runner entry. You don’t need to sign anyone else up or pay any additional fees. Just get yourself a good pair of running shoes and get ready for your 5K as well!
Why is La Grande SoleKIDS only for grades 2 - 5?
We would love to be able to expand the program for all grade levels. But due to the high demand, the range of skill levels and the safety of the children, we cannot enroll more than 50 kids at each school. By focusing on grades 2 – 5 we are better able to manage the number of students and the skill levels. You may however, see our coaches’ children who are underage attending practices.
Will you still hold practice when it's cold or wet?
Probably! As long as it’s safe, we will run! Regardless, please let us know what would be best for your individual runner.
Will you still hold practice if it is smoky?
SoleKIDS will follow the La Grande School District’s lead and we will cancel our SoleKIDS practice if they cancel outdoor after-school activities. Our understanding is that the district follows OSSA’s guidelines. If the AQI is > 150 we will not have practice. If it is <150 but is > 100 we will take it easy. We will make the call by 2pm on the day of practice and will send out an email and update our Facebook page. We will also attempt to have it announced at the elementary schools.
Where can I learn more about the race?
Please refer to the 5k Race page to learn more.
How can I help?
Please refer to the Volunteer page to learn how you can help!