What is SoleKIDS?
The SoleKIDs adventure is an eight-week after-school running program geared towards elementary students and is uniquely designed to get your child ready for a season-ending 5K race. Each week we will focus on a subject about running. Your runner will learn things like: the importance of positive thinking, running using the correct form, breathing control, and goal setting. Through the daily lessons and their workouts, your runner will become physically and mentally prepared for race day!

The SoleKIDS Mantra
I am KIND.
SoleKIDS repeat this mantra together at the end of every practice. The mantra fosters confidence and helps to promote self-esteem in our runners.

Why the SoleKIDS program?
We at SoleKIDs know that every runner is uniquely special. Therefore, we’ve designed a program that helps all runners individually. Our program is designed to plant positives every step of your runner’s journey. Planting these positives will help your runner foster confidence and promote self-esteem. Ensuring your runner has a wonderful, successful journey is the primary goal of the SoleKIDs experience.
Read through our Parent Resources to learn more about the benefits of a program such as SoleKIDS.

Weekly Schedule
Kids and coaches train for 90 minutes, twice a week. During practice, kids are offered healthy snacks and coached in stretching exercises, running and games. Registration also includes a SoleKIDS water bottle, swag bag and t-shirt. T-shirts are earned in week six after completing a two-mile run. Read our tips for parents about practice.