Meet Central's Coaches

Coach Ashley
I’ve been running for 17 years and gained a passion for the sport while participating in cross country in high school. Running is a lifetime sport that has taught me how to overcome more than just physical obstacles that have come my way. I have two children, Kellen, age 11 and Tucker, age 6. La Grande is a great place to run and enjoy the outdoors. As a family, we love exploring MERA and the great trails with our Vizsla dog, Pepper.

Coach Lani
My name is Lani Kalemba and I have two boys who go to Central; Jack, age 10 and Gus, age 8. Being outside and getting exercise are two things I prioritize in my life. I am excited to coach for SoleKIDS this fall to encourage kids to also get outside, start moving and help teach them that physical activity can be fun, challenging and rewarding.